Hello hello hello! I am back? maybe. I don't know, I've been so busy, I decided to drop this website entirely. But I'm back for therapeutic reasons, I've been really stressed out and all the deadlines are rushing towards me so I might as well write a fun glittergalaxycafe post before I go out...
Today's topic is going to be my october favorites, but since I forgot to make one of these during september, I'll add some of that here as well. I suppose the format doesn't need any introduction so here I go:
I've been loving making cute little zines this month! For those who don't know, a zine is short for magazine. They're basically self made booklets/tiny magazines that are usually to share information about social justice, to hear from marginalized voices and so on. Or at least, it used to be. Of course, this tradition has not gone away, it is still being used by lots of marginilized identities as an important tool of communication, but it has grown into more branches too! Everyone can makes zines about anything, basicallly. Here's some beautiful examples by talented creators:
So, this month I tried doing that and made a zine for my upcoming album (not really an album, but rather an attempt at producing one). And also one for my exhibition for visual arts class.
and here's my attempts :P
(sorry I could only find what I shared on my insta stories)
tomorrow morning, hopefully, I will remake my zines into better ones and print them on better paper if I can get my hands on a capable printer. That being said, zines are a very fun way to express yourself and you can basically do anything, so it makes for the perfect fall activity! Now let's move on to other things!
2. Emmet Cohen
If you know me, I love jazz. Like love love. And one thing I really wanted to find out was how to find contemporary jazz that is not whatever they have on spotify because it's all tranquil jazz pieces and I love the wild side of jazz. This is where Emmet Cohen came in. I found out about them on Adam Neely's vid on Laufey, which also kind of changed my perspective on her but anyways, I started to listen to this one specific recording from Emmet Cohen religiously after he recommended the channel. I will have it linked here and oh my god, what energy and what dynamics! I love jazz exactly for this video and this video only.
If you like jazz, please do check them out! Emmet Cohen and his friends make amazing music :)
3. Rollerblading
This week, I rediscovered my love for rollerblading and it hurt. It must be that I have been a very couch potato because for the first time in my life, rollerblading hurt my ankles, it's not like I didn't stretch either, ouch. But besides this painful experience, I still enjoy rollerblading a lot and I find it quite autumny despite the popular contrary belief. It's too hot to skate in summer if you ask me, so fall afternoons are the best time to go out rollerskating. I should go outside more though I kinda stopped doing that :(
well fellas, this is all I have, all I've been doing for the past two months is trying to figure out how to get everything to work so I kinda stopped getting random obsessions every two days and started to study more (somehow I really don't know how it happened lmao) I guess I can give some honorable mentions to things that have just been on my mind lately: now for some reason I started to watch every single slavoj zizek video there ever is, I don't know if it's because I find his opinions to be correct or if it's because I have seen too many tiktoks about him so it's just a subconscious thought that his opinions are correct - I don't know, sometimes tiktok does give me that subconscious belief until go search for things myself and learn the truth of a situation - This kinda became a gateway thing for me to want to read hegel. I like philosophy on a mid level I guess? like I like music and lit definitely much more than it but I still like philosophy a lot. So now I want to read a brick of a book called the phenemology of spirit, just because it's a meme bc of how much of a brick it is. And the other honorable mention goes to our schools library, I guess. I've been going there pretty much every single day know because I can't bare being lonely in a crowded place so I rather have my solitude in solitude you know? So yeah, I do a lot more of research now and I can finally get access to some documents I've been wanting to read because apparently they can do that for you in a library and that is AMAZING. I love that for me.
Okay so, I have clearly forgotten how to structure blog posts, so excuse me for my horrible formatting, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing, and goodbye! Hopefully, I will see you in another post.